Australian Quarantine Fees – Increases?

Australian Quarantine Fees – Increases?

Pet Import fees may be on the rise under proposed changes

Are you looking at importing a cat or dog into Australia this year? Then I suggest you keep up to date on the Department of Wildlife and Fisheries website

Not only have they increased the length of quarantine to 30 days, but fees are expected to increase from July 2023 due to the higher complexity of the biosecurity system and regulatory activities since the last pricing model in 2015-16.

The importation charge for cats and dogs will move to the same charging arrangements currently applied to live birds and hatching eggs. That is, 20% of the importation charge will be required as a non-refundable reservation charge. The remainder of the importation charge and the applicable husbandry fee will be payable when the animal is confirmed for entry. This policy will not apply to plants.

For example, Migaloo Bengals will import two Bengal cats from the United Kingdom in 2024.Two cats coming in together from the United Kingdom (UK) and sharing would, under the proposed new fees, be a total of $6,662, of which 20% iwill be taken when the booking is made and is to become non-refundable, the balance payable when the booking is confirmed.

**Note - Just a quick note for people who haven't imported a cat before.The quarantine fee and import permits have always been the cheaper parts of the process.  Other costs to consider are paying for the cat (some countries charge more for a particular breed), you have to find a breeder who will board the cat for a minimum of 180 days (6 months). Unfortunately, with the COVID situation, quarantine has had a backlog which has seen some owners having to add an extra 90 days to this. So always check the boarding/feeding cost as it can be double the price of the cat. Then you have the veterinary work, blood tests, and of course, the flight.

Before 2015, multiple Post Entry Quarantine (PEQ) facilities operated around Australia. Spotswood PEQ was closed in Victoria, and the PEQ facility in Mickleham, Victoria was opened in 2015. Marking the first stage of the department's move to a single PEQ facility. 

In 2018, stage 2 was completed offering quarantine for imported plants and animal species, except for avian imports. The capacity to house avian consignments commenced later, with the first consignment of live birds arriving in 2019 and hatching eggs in 2020.

There was a significant decrease in costs from 2018–19 to 2019–20 which reflects the transition and closure costs associated with consolidating multiple PEQ facilities. However, the expenses for the new PEQ continue to rise through supplier, utility and wage costs, plus the increased volume of plants and animals that are coming through the PEQ facilities post the height of the COVID-19 pandemic.

The proposed changes will primarily affect post-entry quarantine activities, which have been under-recovered for several years. The changes aim to address this under-recovery as we advance. 

It is of utmost importance that the prospective modifications to importing cats and dogs into Australia are not prohibitively expensive. As it currently stands, Australia already possesses a limited gene pool for all animals, ranging from felines and canines to equines, bovines, and apian species. 

In the event that it becomes cost-prohibiting for breeders to import new animals, there is a significant likelihood that, over time, this could lead to reduced genetic diversity within the breed and potentially increase the incidence of inherited diseases.

Migaloo Bengals earnestly requests all animal lovers to convey their opinions on the proposed changes to ensure that the government can weigh all perspectives. If you desire to provide feedback to the Department of Agriculture, Fisheries, and Forestry, there are multiple avenues. You may contact your Industry Consultative Committee, email, or submit your feedback through the department's official 'Have Your Say' website.

This paper proposes changes to the fees and charges

Click Here

At the moment, these are proposed changes associated with importing cats and dogs into Australia. 

Migaloo Bengals would love you to 'Have Your Say" on the proposed changes so that the government can consider all opinions

1 Response

  1. Do you require a permit for bengal ?

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