For Sale as a breeder: Double Grand Champion Migaloo Sterling Silver
Stunning Black Silver Spotted Stud. He is Tested clear for PK deficiency, PRA-b and HCM tested.
After excelling on the show bench, achieving the title 'Double Grand Champion' he has become a proven stud here at...
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Who is Migaloo Bengals?
Meet Kate, a dedicated Bengal Cat breeder with over 35 years of experience in the field. She has a wealth of knowledge on the Bengal
breed that is unmatched, making her a go-to...
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Australian Quarantine Fees – Increases?
Pet Import fees may be on the rise under proposed changes
Are you looking at importing a cat or dog into Australia this year? Then I suggest you keep up to date on the Department of Wildlife and Fisheries website
Not only have...
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Introducing a new Bengal kitten
Introducing a new kitten to a home with an established cat can be tricky, but with patience and careful planning, it can be a smooth transition for both felines.
Remember, whenever you are bringing a new cat into your home, it's always wise to...
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